Hell Froze Over (and the Great Lakes, too)
This has been some kind of winter. The media has focused a lot of attention on the super-scary “Polar Vortex” even though it isn’t that scary or that rare. (I wonder if Hollywood will make it the...
View ArticleInvestigating Mysteries of the Deep, Dark Night
Conspiracy theorists will tell you that conspiracies exist everywhere; that they’re part of daily life; and that most people are ignorant of all the attempts by various governments around the world to...
View Article(What’s the Story) Middle-of-the-Night Glory?
A Morning Glory is a lot of things: a flower, a town in Kentucky, a popular choice for song and album titles, and – what is most relevant for us – it’s a rare atmospheric phenomenon that is both...
View ArticleDecember Fluff
By now, you probably know the drill: a little bit of discussion about a particular subject, throw in a few pop culture references, maybe a video or two, then get to the good stuff – high quality VIIRS...
View ArticleProtected: Clouds at the Edge of Space
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